Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Elena Dillon Interview

Hey all, I interviewed author Elena's what she had to say.

1. What made you decide to write?
I’ve been writing since I was a kid but I never showed anyone any of my stories. I was always to self conscious. When my daughter went off to college I had more time on my hands and this story was pretty loud in my head so I decided to write it down. It took me two years to finish it. I had never finished anything like this before. I told my family I wrote a book and they were shocked. I never told any of them that I wrote before and then I just said “I wrote a book.”  They were floored.

2. Who is your favorite author?
I have many.  But I have to say JK Rowling is my overall favorite. Her world building is amazing to me. She also creates these characters and this story that you can’t help but love.  I used to read Stephen King when I was growing up but he is too scary for me now that I have kids. The real world is scary enough without falling asleep with all that in my head.

3. What genre is your favorite to read?
Of course I love romance and YA but I am a pretty eclectic reader. It definitely depends on my mood. I read tons of nonfiction. Mostly about writing and marketing. I’m a bit of a tech geek. I love that stuff. I find it hard to read fiction when I am writing because I get lazy and it distracts me from the story. I just want to lay around and read when I start a good book.  I have to be careful what I start reading when I am writing.

4. Do you have a writing playlist?
Nope.  I need silence to write. I am ADD and I get too distracted by lyrics.  I find music doesn’t always suit the scene I am writing if it is instrumental. I listen to classical in the car when I am working out a scene or a plot point though and that helps.

5.  If you could cast anyone to play your characters in a movie who would you cast?
I’m not really sure about this. I don’t really think of them that way. When people ask me this I always feel like I wouldn’t ever be satisfied because they are who they are to me. Not actors.  I’m  sure if that ever happened someone much more qualified than me would make a good choice. Lol.

6. What is your favorite type of candy?
Well I don’t eat chocolate or anything with peanuts because I’m allergic and it’s not a pretty sight. I do like hard candy. I just found this candy store near me that makes this amazing hard candy right in front of you. So far I like the mango/pineapple. Yummy!

7. If you couldn’t write what would you want to do?
I’ve been a travel agent for the last six years and I was one before I had kids also so I would probably just continue with that. I love to travel and helping people plan their vacations is fun too.  I like booking travel  but I love writing.

8. Tell us something people would find surprising about you?
I am a total nerd.  I love Superheroes, Sherlock, Star Wars and The Princess Bride.  I would rather get a new gadget for a gift than jewelry or clothes and if you give me a set of instructions I do a pretty good job of putting stuff together. Yup.  Nerd girl for sure.

9. Tell us a little bit about Breathe.
Well it’s a YA Romantic Suspense about Jasmine, a sixteen year old girl, whose sister was murdered by a serial killer. The story starts two years after her sister’s death.  The killer was never caught. The family has decided to move to Lafayette, Louisiana to start over.  Things are going well when the hottest guy in school likes her and she has made some nice new friends. Unfortunately creepy things start happening. Texts, phone calls, Flowers in her locker and she starts to wonder if the killer is after her now.

10. What’s next for you?
I have just finished the first draft of my next book.  It’s a new YA story that takes place on an island off near Charleston, SC.  Another Romantic Suspense but no name yet!  I plan to publish it in March.

Connect with Elena:

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